Monday, March 31, 2025

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New LP from Michelle Wake, “To Dissapear”

Michelle and I met years ago in one of the circles of synchronicity that happens amidst the billions of bits of information produced every second. She has started a Kickstarter to support the release of her new LP, “To Dissapear”. Here is the link to access that fundraiser:

I wanted to get a little more in depth with passion and life so I asked her a few questions. Her answers will connect you not only with her music but also valuable thoughts that exist in those billions of bits, open to us to choose from.

  1. When did you start singing?

I started Singing when I was 15 and felt like I had more to say than just playing the piano could articulate. I keep a lot of information to myself on a daily basis. I’m bombarded with thoughts and feelings so much that It actually results in being more of an introvert as I feel it’s not safe to share everything inside. So when I write a song, it is the “finally.” It’s something I’ve been wanting to say or need to say in order to cope with what I’m not saying. It’s like a gift to myself and a rare siting for everyone else.

From Her Intagram: michellewakemusic
From Her Intagram: michellewakemusic

The next question was inspired by this song, “A Soiree”, which was published in an earlier article about her. This article has links to her social media.

2. How did you decide to “Get it done?”

I always had intentions to “get it done.” In 2015 living and working in NYC for a couple of years, I learned how to condition my thoughts and in a way I woke up. I suffered at my job and in my marriage and struggled with my religion. I woke up to find myself very angry for not speaking up for myself. I left my husband and my job and my set of rules. I spoke less to family to allow fresh mental space to move ahead. I changed my last name legally to Michelle Wake because I never wanted to sit dormant again in the world. No more labels to hide behind. Now ever day I wake up to myself and confront the reality of who I am recognizing the fragility of its existence in such a brutal world.

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