NEW YORK CITY – Hashimoto Contemporary is pleased to
present People & Things, a solo exhibition by San Francisco-
based artist, Emilio Villalba. Consisting of a new series of oil
paintings of composite still lifes and portraits, the exhibition is
Villalba’s inaugural solo exhibition at Hashimoto Contemporary
and debut solo exhibition in New York City.

For People & Things, Villalba was inspired by the everyday
objects and people from his daily life. Each subject was painted
alla prima. By working with layers of wet-on-wet paint, the artist calls to mind the quickness with which these subjects appear and re-appear throughout his day. Gestural brushstrokes create depth and texture, bringing a sense of beauty and appreciation for the mundane, from
empty beer cans, to broken-in Converse sneakers, to old Toyotas.
Collage-like compositions are prominent throughout the body of work, mimicking the winding narratives of a dream. Objects are shown overlapping, pieced together and floating in an undefined space, interposed with self-portraits and set against checkered backgrounds.
These ambiguous configurations are almost like snapshots, archived from deep within the artists memories.

Please join us Saturday, July 17th from 10am to 6pm for the opening of People & Things. The artist will be in attendance.
In order to ensure the health and safety of visitors and staff, please note that masks are required for entry.
The exhibition will be on view Saturday, July 17th to Saturday, August 7th.